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Default classes

Base Input (wrapper of Virgo Input)

import type { ComponentClasses } from '@/plugin'
import type { baseInputProps } from '@/components/base-input/meta'

export const baseInputClasses: ComponentClasses<baseInputProps> = {
	root: 'virgo-base-input-root i:children:focus-within:text-primary flex flex-col flex-grow flex-shrink-0 gap-y-1',
	inputContainer: 'virgo-base-input-input-container flex items-center i:w-6 i:h-6 gap-x-3',
	inputWrapper: 'virgo-base-input-input-wrapper transition duration-250 ease-out flex i:w-5 i:h-5 [&_>_.virgo-spinner]-w-5 h-10 rounded-lg cursor-text px-4 spacing:gap-x-2 relative i:focus-within:text-primary items-center border border-solid border-a-border w-full',
	inputWrapperError: 'border-danger',
	inputWrapperValid: 'focus-within:border-primary',
	prependInnerIcon: 'z-1',
	appendInnerIcon: 'ms-auto',
	disabledOrReadonly: 'pointer-events-none',
	disabled: '!all-[.virgo-base-input-input-wrapper]-bg-[hsla(var(--virgo-base-c),0.12)] opacity-50',
	interactive: 'all-[.virgo-base-input-child]-placeholder:transition all-[.virgo-base-input-child]-placeholder:duration-250 all-[.virgo-base-input-child]-placeholder:ease all-[.virgo-base-input-child:focus]-placeholder-translate-x-1',
	label: 'virgo-base-input-label',
	labelError: 'text-danger',
	inputChild: 'virgo-base-input-child w-full h-full inset-0 rounded-inherit bg-transparent',
	inputChildWithPrependInner: '',
	inputChildWithAppendInner: '',
	inputChildWithoutPrependInner: '',
	inputChildWithoutAppendInner: '',
	messageContainer: 'h-8', // hint and errors
	messageError: 'text-danger',
	messageHint: 'text-light-emphasis'

export type baseInputClassesValidKeys = keyof typeof baseInputClasses
import type { ComponentClasses } from '@/plugin'
import type { baseInputProps } from '@/components/base-input/meta'

export const baseInputClasses: ComponentClasses<baseInputProps> = {
	root: 'virgo-base-input-root i:children:focus-within:text-primary flex flex-col flex-grow flex-shrink-0 gap-y-1',
	inputContainer: 'virgo-base-input-input-container flex items-center i:w-6 i:h-6 gap-x-3',
	inputWrapper: 'virgo-base-input-input-wrapper transition duration-250 ease-out flex i:w-5 i:h-5 [&_>_.virgo-spinner]-w-5 h-10 rounded-lg cursor-text px-4 spacing:gap-x-2 relative i:focus-within:text-primary items-center border border-solid border-a-border w-full',
	inputWrapperError: 'border-danger',
	inputWrapperValid: 'focus-within:border-primary',
	prependInnerIcon: 'z-1',
	appendInnerIcon: 'ms-auto',
	disabledOrReadonly: 'pointer-events-none',
	disabled: '!all-[.virgo-base-input-input-wrapper]-bg-[hsla(var(--virgo-base-c),0.12)] opacity-50',
	interactive: 'all-[.virgo-base-input-child]-placeholder:transition all-[.virgo-base-input-child]-placeholder:duration-250 all-[.virgo-base-input-child]-placeholder:ease all-[.virgo-base-input-child:focus]-placeholder-translate-x-1',
	label: 'virgo-base-input-label',
	labelError: 'text-danger',
	inputChild: 'virgo-base-input-child w-full h-full inset-0 rounded-inherit bg-transparent',
	inputChildWithPrependInner: '',
	inputChildWithAppendInner: '',
	inputChildWithoutPrependInner: '',
	inputChildWithoutAppendInner: '',
	messageContainer: 'h-8', // hint and errors
	messageError: 'text-danger',
	messageHint: 'text-light-emphasis'

export type baseInputClassesValidKeys = keyof typeof baseInputClasses

Virgo Input

import type { ComponentClasses } from '@/plugin'
import type { virgoInputProps } from '@/components/input/meta'

export const virgoInputClasses:ComponentClasses<virgoInputProps> = {
		root: 'virgo-input-root',
		fileType: 'file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-rounded-lg file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-border-none file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-mr-4 file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-px-4 file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-py-3 file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-text-gray-500 file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-rounded-r-none file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-bg-[hsla(var(--virgo-base-color),0.05)] !all-[.virgo-base-input-input-wrapper]-px-0',
		input: 'virgo-input-input',

export type virgoInputClassesValidKeys = keyof typeof virgoInputClasses
import type { ComponentClasses } from '@/plugin'
import type { virgoInputProps } from '@/components/input/meta'

export const virgoInputClasses:ComponentClasses<virgoInputProps> = {
		root: 'virgo-input-root',
		fileType: 'file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-rounded-lg file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-border-none file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-mr-4 file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-px-4 file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-py-3 file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-text-gray-500 file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-rounded-r-none file:[&_.virgo-base-input-child]-bg-[hsla(var(--virgo-base-color),0.05)] !all-[.virgo-base-input-input-wrapper]-px-0',
		input: 'virgo-input-input',

export type virgoInputClassesValidKeys = keyof typeof virgoInputClasses


You can use virgo-input component to render basic input.


You can use placeholder attribute to add placeholder to the input.


You can use label prop to add label to the input.

For maximum flexibility you can use label slot.


When you use label slot, Note that label's for attribute needs to prefix the virgo-input- when binding it to input's id attribute.


virgo-input built on top of base-input base component. Hence, This demo also applies to all other inherited component.


You can use hint prop to add hint to the input.

Your email will be confidential


You can use various icon location prop to add icon to the input.

We never share your email with anyone


You can use type attribute to add input type.


You can use readonly prop to make input read only.

Use disabled prop to make input disabled.



Virgo do not provide any validation mechanism at the moment as it assume it's better handled by third-party libraries like VeeValidate


Virgo Input
disabled : boolean

Set component in disabled state

readonly : boolean

Set component in readonly mode

loading : boolean

Set loading state

variant : RawVariant<Record<string, any>>

Useful when used in the component config classes option, to style it conditionally. Can be a string, object, or an array of string or/and object.

bare : boolean

Disable class inheritance from the Virgo plugin classes config. Only for this component.

inputWrapperAttrs : HTMLAttributes

Input wrapper attributes

hint : string

Add hint below the form component

error : string

Error text to render. This will replace hint text if provided.

label : ConfigurableValue

Label of the form component

prependIcon : string

Prepend icon

appendIcon : string

Append icon

prependInnerIcon : string

Prepend icon inside input

appendInnerIcon : string

Append icon inside input

modelValue : string | number
label : any
prepend : any
prepend-inner : any
append-inner : any
append : any
bottom : any
update:modelValue => [value: string | number | undefined]

Released under the MIT License.