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Virgo offers valuable transitions for your application, both for external use and internally. You can apply most of these transitions to various components within your application.

Moreover, you have the option to create your own transitions using the createTransition function provided by Virgo.

Transitions components in Virgo follow a pattern of Virgo<transition-name>Transition (e.g., VirgoFadeTransition). The transition name serves as the identifier for the transition. For instance, if you create a transition component for bouncing effects using createTransition('bounce'), name it VirgoBounceTransition, and utilize it as <SomeComponent transition="bounce">. Remember to define the necessary styles for this transition.

Naming Convention

Transition names are adopted from Vuetify because they offer ideal names that are also compatible with logical directions.

However, it's important to note that these transitions differ from Vuetify's in terms of implementation and behavior. This distinction arises because we followed graph directions to implement these transitions.



In the above graph, transitioning in the Y direction requires moving upwards. Therefore, our Slide Y & Scroll Y transitions commence from the bottom and move upwards. Similarly, transitioning in the X direction involves moving to the right. Hence, our Slide X & Scroll X transitions originate from the left and move towards the right.


Customizing Transitions

You can customize the transition duration and timing using CSS variables.

To adjust the duration of the fade transition, override the --fade-opacity-duration CSS variable. Similarly, to modify the timing function, override the --fade-opacity-timing CSS variable.

If a transition involves multiple properties, you can override the corresponding CSS variables in the format --<transition-name>-<property>-duration and --<transition-name>-<property>-timing. For instance, for the slide-x transition, override --slide-x-transform-duration and --slide-x-transform-timing CSS variables.

Additionally, for transitions like slide-x, you can change the transitioning value using the --slide-x-transform-translateX CSS variable.

If you noticed, the Tooltip now begins its animation from the bottom 14px (increased) instead of the default 8px, achieved via the [--slide-y-translateY:14px] class.

Feel free to experiment with the transitions and customize them to your preference.

Creating Custom Transition Components

Virgo offers the createTransition composable for generating custom transition components that can be reused. This composable accepts a transition name as a parameter and outputs a transition component.

import { createTransition } from '@virgo-ui/vue'

export const VirgoFadeTransition = createTransition('fade')
import { createTransition } from '@virgo-ui/vue'

export const VirgoFadeTransition = createTransition('fade')

Now, you have a transition component, but you need to define the styles for it. You can define the styles for your transition component in the same manner as you would for any other transition.

Here's an example of fade transition styles used in Virgo:

// Fade
$transition-name: 'fade';
.#{$transition-name} {
  &-leave-active {
    transition: opacity var(--#{$transition-name}-opacity-duration, 0.15s) var(--#{$transition-name}-opacity-timing, ease-in-out);

  &-leave-to {
    opacity: var(--#{$transition-name}-opacity, 0);

  // Transition group
  @at-root {
    &-group {
      .#{$transition-name}-leave-active {
        position: absolute;
        inset: 0;
// Fade
$transition-name: 'fade';
.#{$transition-name} {
  &-leave-active {
    transition: opacity var(--#{$transition-name}-opacity-duration, 0.15s) var(--#{$transition-name}-opacity-timing, ease-in-out);

  &-leave-to {
    opacity: var(--#{$transition-name}-opacity, 0);

  // Transition group
  @at-root {
    &-group {
      .#{$transition-name}-leave-active {
        position: absolute;
        inset: 0;

Released under the MIT License.